Statistics taken from:
i have added a table which shows which genres where most successful at the box office, and which genres where peoples most favourite and peoples least favourite.
I found out that comedy was UK'S highest grossing earning a massive £222.4 million at the box office and also released the most. The next most popular genre was horror earning £23.4 million and so on was thriller which earned £21.2 million and finnaly romance which earned 1.0 million at the box office. Romance and comedy may confuse you however, some are mixed as sub-genres if both where combined the genres would come on top.
I found out that comedy was UK'S highest grossing earning a massive £222.4 million at the box office and also released the most. The next most popular genre was horror earning £23.4 million and so on was thriller which earned £21.2 million and finnaly romance which earned 1.0 million at the box office. Romance and comedy may confuse you however, some are mixed as sub-genres if both where combined the genres would come on top.