Friday 20 November 2009

Film Ideas

My group and me thought of three ideas:
The first idea we thought of was a romantic comedy which will be about a young man from a deprived background who is overwhelmed about his job interview and a young women who is from a affluent background and is a established working-class women . The boy is dressed smart and formal after ages he is rushing to his interview while he is crossing the main road he almost has a accident but luckily he is saved. He is on the car bonnet gazing at this women not knowing who she is he makes a funny face at this women and continues rushing to his interview. On the way to his interview he is getting late and he becomes inpatient as the lift ain't coming down he uses the stairs to get to his interview. When he opens the door he realises that his interviewer is the same women who he almost had an accident with this is when he gets a huge surprise.
Thriller-idea 1
The second idea we thought of was a thriller which will be about two young girls who are working - class who are going to meet a old friend for drink in the deepest ends of the woods. This friend that are going to meet is Young boy who is a alcoholic. These girls are walking through the woods feeling intimidated of the unpleasant atmosphere surrounding them when they reach the woods they realise and see the same young boy that they where going to meet is dead with blood all over him and a bottle of alcohol next to him. Both of the girls are in a absolute shock and are frightened one of the girls wants to desperately leave the woods. As they are about to leave the woods someone rises from the ground who is camouflaged under the leaves.
Thriller- idea 2
The idea behind our second thriller is about a group of mafias who have kidnap ed the victim and have tied him up in the back garage and torture him till he is dead. The idea is derived from the movies God Father and Scarface staring Al Pachino. The mafias are together in a room playing cards on a huge Victorian table suddenly the main mafia 'mobster' receives a phone call which makes him become furious so he leaves the room, however during this period are unaware who they are being watched by so this is where there Is a huge twist to the story.

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