Monday, 11 January 2010

Questionnaire feedback

This was the over all feedback from my questionnaire:

The questionnaire was filled in by students aged 16-18. Most people gave a horror a certificate of 18 and a romantic-comedy as a PG, and a thriller as a certificate of 15

In my questionnaire most people favoured a romantic-comedy. There were mixed answers t0 question 5 as many people liked/disliked different things about a film. Some thought the opening credits of a movie where pointless, some enjoy the pre-titled sequence and the music of a film and finally some liked the suspense and atmosphere that builds in a horror movie. films which where disliked include 'Ghost Rider' films which where liked include 'Seven'. There was mixed answers for question as many people liked/disliked different types of films. most people favoured 'Seven' as it was a physiological thriller and also 'Scarface' was favoured because of the acting of Al-Pacino.

Most people answered question 7 very much the same as they preferred a movie to end in a shock or a twist this was because it was a more dramatic and a tense type of ending. Question 8 was also answered very much the same as people thought thriller is more physiological and involves zombies and killers, whereas a horror involves more blood and its suppose to frighten the audience. People also thought that the Mise-en-scene is different for both genres. Question 9 was answered differently to all the other question as people preferred many different types of films such as Taken, Step-Brothers, Red Dragon and Seven. Finally question 10 was answered almost the same as most people would want to watch film at the cinema rather than at home as the experience is more dramatic.

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